Monday, March 3, 2014

Kitchen Tweaks

Sometimes, taking the time to do a few minor things can make a *big* difference in your kitchen. I had neglected my oven for a long time. I didn't do so intentionally...rather, I just didn't completely notice it as I was focused on getting foods in and out of the oven without really focusing on the oven itself. 

Once I took a good look at it, I was disgusted with how bad it had gotten. 

So, I mixed up a little paste of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda (with a bit of elbow grease)....and this is how lovely it turned out...

 I also cleaned out our little tupperware/storage cupboard. It's not overly exciting...but it is so nice to have purged some unused containers and gotten things squared away in there...

It's really amazing how good you can feel about your kitchen (or any area in your home) when you just make a few small changes for the better. Sometimes we can get it in our mind that we have to make huge changes to our home for us to "like it better". This is simply not true. All the little things start adding up and soon, you will find yourself enjoying your home more and more!


  1. So true! And it also seems that once you get started, you almost can't stop. I've moved on to several other areas that had been bugging me for a while because I was so pleased with the first one!

    Many Blessings,

    1. I couldn't agree more Melissa! Once spring sets in, I really start tweaking areas in my house and soon it's all clean!!! :)

  2. I LOVE your speckled bake ware! I usually organize a little each night after work during spring cleaning time.


    1. Thank you Sandy! I love my spatterware! I have the dishes as well!

  3. I LOVE that Hobbit cup! I have a soft spot in my heart for Gollum (I have only seen The Hobbit, haven't ever seen Lord of the Rings).

    1. Oh simply MUST see Lord of the Rings as well! The trilogy is just wonderful! My family and I just love it! If you liked the will love Lord of the Rings!!!! :)

  4. I agree, little tweaks can make such a difference. :)

    Can't wait to try peroxide and baking soda on my oven. It needs some love.

    1. I hope it works wonderfully for you Erika!

  5. baking soda, vinegar, peroxide, cream of tarter ... best cleaning agents in the cupboard.

